RedEdge HTTP Control API
This document describes the protocol which can be be used by software to control the RedEdge multi-spectral camera. The camera can be controlled using HTTP via either the ethernet connector or the 802.11 WIFI access point. For more detailed information on connecting to the camera, see the RedEdge Users's Guide.
Table of Contents
- RedEdge HTTP Control API
- Table of Contents
- General Protocol Overview
- Command Capture [/capture]
- Capture Status Request [/capture/:id]
- KMZ Captures [/captures.kmz]
- Camera Exposure [/exposure]
- Detect Panel Control [/detect_panel]
- Camera Position [/gps]
- Camera Orientation [/orientation]
- State at Capture Time [/capture_state]
- Config [/config]
- Pin Configuration Options [/pin_mux]
- Status [/status]
- Network Status [/networkstatus]
- Time Sources Information [/timesources]
- Version Information [/version]
- File Access [/files/*]
- File Deletion [/deletefile/*]
- Reformat SD Card [/reformatsdcard]
- Wifi Configuration [/wifi]
- Camera Information [/camera_info]
- Distortion Calibration [/calibration/distortion]
- Rig Relatives Calibration [/calibration/rig_relatives]
- Vignette Calibration [/calibration/vignette]
- Prepare for Power Down [/powerdownready]
- Thermal NUC [/thermal_nuc]
- Deprecated or Removed Routes
General Protocol Overview
The API is accessed via HTTP connection to port 80 at the camera IP address. All data is exchanged in the JSON format.
The actual value of the IP address depends on the configuration. When accessing the camera via its WIFI access point, the camera IP address will be When the camera is connected to an Ethernet network, the camera IP address will be by default.
NOTE: Future software updates may allow the camera to support assignment of IP addresses via DHCP, and may support a broadcast-based device discovery protocol for locating cameras on a network.
Command Capture [/capture]
Versions: v1.3.2-
URL: /capture
Supported verbs: GET, POST
The camera can be commanded to take a capture by either a GET or POST request to this URL. Both actions have the same effect. The command can take several arguments, provided as parameters in the URL or as a JSON body.
When using the preview option, the a new JPEG preview image will be generated based on the preview_band option in the configuration settings. This preview is the image displayed on the web server user interface.
The cache_jpg and cache_raw parameters allow the user to create and cache images in camera RAM, for temporary access without impacting SD card data throughput. The images saved to the SD card for any given capture are still controlled by the main configuration settings. This allows, for example, a user to cache jpegs from two bands to be retrieved quickly during flight, while still saving RAW images to the SD card for later retrieval. Note that cached image files are only available temporarily. Cached files are kept only for the last two capture commands which had non-zero cache_raw or cache_jpeg arguments, so it is important if you are downloading these cached files that you finish downloading the file before issuing more than one subsequent capture command (only captures with caching enabled count here).
Command Arguments
Argument | Type | Default | Description | Versions |
anti_sat | bool | false | If true, strong anti-saturation rules are used for the capture | v1.3.2- |
block | bool | false | When 'true', the HTTP request will not return until the capture is complete. | v1.3.2- |
detect_panel | bool | false | When 'true', the camera will not return an image until a MicaSense reflectance panel is detected. Also see /detect_panel | v5.0.0- |
preview | bool | false | When 'true', updates the current preview image. | v1.3.2- |
cache_jpeg | int | /config's enabled_bands_jpeg | Bitmask for bands from which to capture and cache JPEG images. See note below. | v1.3.2- |
cache_raw | int | /config's enabled_bands_raw | Bitmask for bands from which to capture and cache RAW (tiff) images. See note below. | v1.3.2- |
store_capture | bool | true | Store this image to the SD card based on configuration settings.
(JPEG and/or RAW may be stored depending on configuration) |
v1.3.2- |
use_post_capture_state | bool | false | When 'true', the camera will try and retrieve state information from the /capture_state route before falling back on default values. | v6.0.0- |
NOTE: For bit masks, bit 0 corresponds to imager #1, bit 1 to imager #2, and so forth. As an example, to capture all five bands, the bit mask value should be 31 (in binary: 11111). To capture only band #4, the value should be 8 (01000).
Response Properties
The response will always be a JSON object, however the contents of the JSON object can vary depending on the provided arguments.
Property | Type | Description | Versions |
status | string | One of 'pending', 'complete', 'error' | v1.3.2- |
id | string | ID representing this capture. Save this to retrieve the status of a capture later. | v1.3.2- |
( optional) |
string | ISO8601 datetime string providing the UTC time of actual image capture. This property is only present if the block argument is true | v1.3.2- |
(optional) |
object | An object containing a property for each band for which JPEG cacheing was enabled. (e.g. '1', '2', ...). The value of each property is the path to retrieve the cached JPEG file for that band. This property is only present if cache_jpg was non-zero and the block arguments was true | v1.3.2- |
(optional) |
object | Like jpeg_cache_path, but for cached raw images | v1.3.2- |
If the block argument is false, then the status property in the response will always be 'pending' or 'error'. When block is set to true, then the status property will be either 'complete' or 'error'.
Note that blocking calls return as soon as the capture is complete, and the cached files are available for download. The files may not have been transferred to the SD card storage yet. You may use the /capture/:id route to lookup results for a previous capture (including the location of SD card files after they are saved).
Example Request:
GET /capture?preview=true
captures an image, generating a preview JPEG and saving RAW files to the SD card
Example Response to GET /capture?store_capture=true&cache_jpeg=19&cache_raw=31&block=true
JPEG and TIFF files are commanded to be cached for bands 1, 2, and 5. The store_capture parameter was true, so the actual raw bands that are stored to the card depends on the current configuration settings. The response shown below assumes that all 5 bands are set to save on capture
{ "id": "kE5pogpXYEIrhI4aIxX2", "jpeg_cache_path": { "1": "/images/tmp31.jpg", "2": "/images/tmp32.jpg", "5": "/images/tmp33.jpg" }, "raw_cache_path": { "1": "/images/tmp26.tif", "2": "/images/tmp27.tif", "3": "/images/tmp28.tif", "4": "/images/tmp29.tif", "5": "/images/tmp30.tif" }, "status": "complete", "time": "2016-01-28T02:28:30.000Z" }
The following response can be expected when block is 'false', because the capture has not been completed when the object is returned.
{ "status" : "pending", "id' : "i89jfi73irj49f74" }
Capture Status Request [/capture/:id]
Versions: v1.3.2-
URL: /capture/:id
Supported verbs: GET
This route can be called to poll the status of a previously commanded capture. Only those paths that are valid for the capture will be shown. For example, if no cached files were requested for this capture, then the jpeg_cache_path and raw_cache_path fields will not be present.
Example URL:
Example Responses:
{ "status" : "complete", "id" : "i89jfi73irj49f74", "time" : "2014-10-08T20:27:16.321Z", "jpeg_cache_path" : { "1" : "/images/i89jfi73irj49f74_1.jpg", "2" : "/images/i89jfi73irj49f74_2.jpg", "5" : "/images/i89jfi73irj49f74_5.jpg" }, "raw_cache_path" : { "1" : "/images/i89jfi73irj49f74_1.tif", "2" : "/images/i89jfi73irj49f74_2.tif", "5" : "/images/i89jfi73irj49f74_5.tif" }, "jpeg_storage_path" : { "1" : "/files/0021SET/000/IMG_0000_1.jpg", "2" : "/files/0021SET/000/IMG_0000_2.jpg", "3" : "/files/0021SET/000/IMG_0000_3.jpg", "4" : "/files/0021SET/000/IMG_0000_4.jpg" }, "raw_storage_path" : { "1" : "/files/0021SET/000/IMG_0000_1.tif", "2" : "/files/0021SET/000/IMG_0000_2.tif", "3" : "/files/0021SET/000/IMG_0000_3.tif", "4" : "/files/0021SET/000/IMG_0000_4.tif" } }
KMZ Captures [/captures.kmz]
Versions: v1.5.10-
URL: /captures.kmz
Supported verbs: GET
/captures.kmz will return a kmz file with the contents of all captures currently on the SD card. This is especially useful when flying multiple flights across one or more areas to ensure continuous coverage across those areas.
Note: The KML file provided by the /captures.kml route is still accessable by downloading the KMZ, and extracting the kml file from it.
Example KML File
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <kml xmlns=""> <Document> <Folder> <name>"0000SET"</name> <Placemark> <name>710</name> <Point> <coordinates>-110.7228486,32.902748314,37.2748314</coordinates> </Point> </Placemark> <Placemark> <name>711</name> <Point> <coordinates>-110.72628388,32.902745594,37.2745594</coordinates> </Point> </Placemark> </Folder> </Document> </kml>
Camera Exposure [/exposure]
Versions: v1.3.2-
URL: /exposure
Supported verbs: GET, POST
The camera exposure object controls the camera's exposure mode, and sets manual exposure values. Manual exposure values are only used when the enable_man_exposure field in the config object is set to true. The exposure settings are not persistent and the camera will revert to the default behavior of automatic exposure control when it is powered off.
Note: Automatic exposure mode is recommended during normal operation. The camera has automatic gain and exposure control (AGC) rules which are designed for aerial data collection. The AGC rules will prevent blurring in most cases by first increasing imager gain, and will prevent over-exposure of bright subjects.
The exposure properties are expressed in miliseconds. The gain properties must be integers with a value of 1, 2, 4 or 8.
Property | Type | Default | Description | Versions |
enable_man_exposure | bool | (none) | When 'true', the camera will use the manually set exposure and gain values, rather than performing AGC. | v1.3.2- |
exposure[1-5] | float | (none) | Exposure (in ms) for sensor [1-5] | v1.3.2- |
gain[1-5] | int | (none) | Gain for sensor [1-5]. Allowed values: [1,2,4,8] | v1.3.2- |
Example object:
{ "enable_man_exposure" : false "exposure1" : 0.06, "exposure2" : 1.0, "exposure3" : 8.0, "exposure4" : 25.0, "exposure5" : 0.5, "gain1" : 1, "gain2" : 2, "gain3" : 4, "gain4" : 8, "gain5" : 1, }
Detect Panel Control [/detect_panel]
Versions: v5.0.0-
URL: /detect_panel
Supported verbs: GET, POST
This route reports the current state of the panel detection algorithm. You can also send it an abort command, in which case any currently running panel detection will complete its capture regardless of whether a panel was successfully found
Property | Type | Default | Description |
abort_detect_panel | bool | false | When 'true', any actively running panel detection captures will be forced to complete. |
detect_panel | bool | (none) | When 'true', a panel detection capture is active |
Example POST to cancel a panel detection capture:
{ "abort_detect_panel" : true }
Example response to the POST example above:
{ "detect_panel" : false }
Camera Position [/gps]
Versions: v1.3.2-
URL: /gps
Supported verbs: GET, POST
This command can be used to retrieve the active location, velocity, and time, or to provide these values to the camera.
This command can be used in lieu of an external GPS attached to the camera to provide the camera with a position (for example, from the aircraft GPS). Anytime this value has been written in the last 5 seconds, it will take priority over a camera attached GPS and will be used instead of the attached GPS when writing image metadata.
See /capture_state for an additional option for injecting image metadata.
Property | Type | Default | Description | Versions |
latitude | float | NaN | The camera latitude in radians | v1.3.2- |
longitude | float | NaN | The camera longitude in radians | v1.3.2- |
altitude | float | NaN | The camera altitude above datum ellipsoid in meters | v1.3.2- |
vel_n | float | NaN | The camera northing velocity in m/s | v1.3.2- |
vel_e | float | NaN | The camera easting velocity in m/s | v1.3.2- |
vel_d | float | NaN | The camera descent rate in m/s | v1.3.2- |
p_acc | float | (none) | Camera positional accuracy in meters, one sigma | v1.3.2- |
v_acc | float | (none) | Camera vertical accuracy in meters, one sigma | v1.3.2- |
fix3d | bool | (none) | True if there is a valid 3D fix | v1.3.2- |
utc_time | string | (none) | ISO8601 datetime string UTC time string | v1.3.2- |
Example Message:
{ "latitude" : 0.1363053, "longitude" : -2.399923234, "altitude" : 332.503, "vel_n" : 0.73, "vel_e" : 1.2, "vel_d" : 0.49, "p_acc" : 2.456, "v_acc" : 1.54, "fix3d" : true, "utc_time" : "2014-10-08T20:27:23.321Z" }
Camera Orientation [/orientation]
Versions: v1.3.2-
URL: /orientation
Supported verbs: GET, POST
This command retrieves or sets the current camera orientation.
This command can be used to provide the orientation of the camera measured by an external source by POST'ing the orientation angles. Anytime this value has been written in the preceding 5 seconds, it will be considered valid and will be written to image metadata.
Two rotations can be specified: An aircraft orientation and a camera orientation. The aircraft orientation gives the orientation of the aircraft relative to the earth frame, and the camera orientation gives the orientation of the fixed or gimbaled camera relative to the aircraft. If desired, the aircraft orientation can be set to zero, and in the case the camera orientation becomes relative to the earth. Alternatively, if the camera is fixed mounted, the camera orientation can be set to the appropriate static value and only the aircraft orientation is updated.
The aircraft orientation is specified in the standard aeronautical coordinate frame, where the Z-axis points down, the Y-axis points to the right, and X-axis points to the front of the vehicle. The default orientation, when the vehicle angles are all zero, is defined such that the Z-axis points directly towards the center of the earth, and the X-axis points towards true north. Rotations about the Z, Y, and X axes correspond to the angles psi, theta, and phi, respectively. For the vehicle, this means that psi corresponds to yaw, theta corresponds to pitch, and phi corresponds to roll. Rotation order is about the Z, Y, then X axis, or yaw, then pitch, then roll.
The camera orientation represents the orientation of the camera relative to the aircraft. The axes used are referenced to the camera, not the vehicle. The camera’s Z-axis points towards the bottom of the camera, the Y-axis points to the right of the camera, and the X-axis points in the direction the camera is facing, along the camera focal axis. The default orientation, when the camera angles are all zero, is defined such that the camera’s Z-axis is aligned with the aircraft’s negative X-axis, the camera’s Y-axis is aligned with the aircraft’s Y-axis, and the camera’s X-axis is aligned with the aircraft’s Z-axis. This corresponds to the camera looking at nadir, with the top of the camera pointing towards the front of the vehicle. Rotations about the Z, Y, and X axes of the camera correspond to the angles psi, theta, and phi, respectively. For the camera, this means that psi corresponds to pan, theta corresponds to tilt, and phi corresponds to roll. The rotation order is about the Z, Y, then X axis, or pan, then tilt, then roll.
For a fixed camera pointed straight down relative to the aircraft, and with the top of the camera toward the front of the aircraft, the value of 0 can be used for all angles.
POST properties
Property | Type | Default | Description | Versions |
aircraft_phi | float | (none) | radians | v1.3.2- |
aircraft_theta | float | (none) | radians | v1.3.2- |
aircraft_psi | float | (none) | radians | v1.3.2- |
camera_phi | float | (none) | radians | v1.3.2- |
camera_theta | float | (none) | radians | v1.3.2- |
camera_psi | float | (none) | radians | v1.3.2- |
Example POST message:
{ "aircraft_phi" : -0.1512, "aircraft_theta" : 0.1363053, "aircraft_psi" : -0.399923234, "camera_phi" : 0.0, "camera_theta" : 0.0, "camera_psi" : 0.0 }
State at Capture Time [/capture_state]
Versions: v6.0.0-
URL: /capture_state
Supported verbs: POST
If the 'use_post_capture_state' argument is set to 'true' when a /capture command is made, then sending POST data to this route within 1 second of the top of frame will result in the provided data being written to the image metadata, instead of any other potential sources of these data, such as a directly connected GPS.
Data provided to this route is accepted in logical groups, where all parameters in the group must be present, or else all parameters in that group will be ignored, and any valid value the camera has from other sources will be used instead. For instance, providing a latitude and logitude, but no altitude will result in all of those parameters being collectively ignored, and the image will instead get a latitude, longitude, and altitude from an alternate data source.
The groups are as follows:
- aircraft_attitude: aircraft_phi, aircraft_theta, aircraft_psi
- camera_attitude: camera_phi, camera_theta, camera_psi
- gps: latitude, longitude, altitude
- accuracy: p_acc, v_acc
- utc_time: utc_time
The response to a successful POST is a list of these groups, and whether they were 'set' or 'ignored' by the POST
If a POST is sent outside of the window for acceptance, or two POSTs are sent for a single capture, a 409 status is returned, indicating a conflict between the POST supplied data and what was actually written to the file metadata, along with an error string indicating why the data were rejected.
POST properties
Property | Type | Default | Description |
aircraft_phi | float | (none) | radians |
aircraft_theta | float | (none) | radians |
aircraft_psi | float | (none) | radians |
camera_phi | float | (none) | radians |
camera_theta | float | (none) | radians |
camera_psi | float | (none) | radians |
latitude | float | (none) | The camera latitude in radians |
longitude | float | (none) | The camera longitude in radians |
altitude | float | (none) | The camera altitude above datum ellipsoid in meters |
p_acc | float | (none) | Camera positional accuracy in meters, one sigma |
v_acc | float | (none) | Camera vertical accuracy in meters, one sigma |
utc_time | string | (none) | ISO8601 datetime string UTC time string |
Example POST message:
{ "aircraft_psi" : 0, "utc_time" : "2019-05-01T01:02:03.456Z", "latitude" : 1.23456, "longitude" : -0.987654, "altitude" : 31.4159 }
Example response to above POST message:
{ "accuracy": "ignored", "aircraft_attitude": "ignored", "camera_attitude": "ignored", "gps": "set", "utc_time": "set" }
Example response to a POST message sent outside of the timing window allowed:
Response status: 409
{ "error": "Data received too late for capture. Ignoring." }
Config [/config]
Versions: v1.3.2-
URL: /config/
Supported verbs: GET, POST
The config object contains camera configuration options. These options are persistent between camera power cycles, except where exceptions are noted.
Update (POST) requests may provide any subset of the config properties as parameters and only those properties that are provided will be modified.
Object properties:
Property | Type | Default | Description | Versions | ||||||||
streaming_enable | boolean | (none) | Enable continuous rapid capture of JPEG previews.
This setting is NOT persistent across power cycles. |
v1.3.2- | ||||||||
streaming_allowed | boolean | (none) | When 'false', prevents streaming_enable from working | v3.2.0- | ||||||||
preview_band | string | (none) | Selects band(s) to be rendered in preview JPEG
Allowable values: "band1", "band2", "band3", "band4", "band5", "band6"*, "multi" * "band6" is only valid for cameras with 6 or more bands This setting is NOT persistent across power cycles. |
v1.3.2- | ||||||||
operating_alt | integer | (none) | Aircraft operating altitude above ground (meters) | v1.3.2- | ||||||||
operating_alt_tolerance | unsigned int | (none) | Distance, in meters, below the operating altitude (operating_alt) to enable automatic capture modes | v7.1.0- | ||||||||
overlap_along_track | integer | (none) | Desired along track overlap percentage (0-100) | v1.3.2- | ||||||||
overlap_cross_track | integer | (none) | Desired cross track overlap percentage (0-100) | v1.3.2- | ||||||||
auto_cap_mode | string | (none) | Auto capture mode. Allowable values: "disabled", "overlap", "timer", "ext" | v1.3.2- | ||||||||
timer_period | float | (none) | Period between timer captures (seconds) | v1.3.2- | ||||||||
ext_trigger_mode | string | (none) | Allowable values: "rising", "falling", "longpwm", "shortpwm" | v1.3.2- | ||||||||
pwm_trigger_threshold | float | (none) | The long/short pulse width threshold for PWM input, in milliseconds | v1.3.2- | ||||||||
enabled_bands_raw | integer | (none) | Bit mask of bands that are enabled for raw capture storage | v1.3.2- | ||||||||
enabled_bands_jpeg | integer | (none) | Bit mask of bands enabled for jpeg capture and storage | v1.3.2- | ||||||||
enable_man_exposure | boolean | (none) | When true, the user-provided exposure settings are used instead of the automatic exposure control. This field is not persistent. | v1.3.2- | ||||||||
gain_exposure_crossover | float | (none) | Exposure time (in seconds) at which the gain should be increased in order to properly expose rather than increasing the exposure time further. | v1.5.0- | ||||||||
ip_address | string | (none) | Sets the Ethernet IP address of the camera. Must be a valid IP address, e.g. "123.456.789.012". | v1.5.0- | ||||||||
raw_format | string | (none) | Selects what raw output format the camera saves as. Allowable values: "TIFF", "DNG". | v1.5.0- | ||||||||
network_mode | string | (none) | Selects whether the camera will act as a main camera or auxiliary camera in a MicaSense network. Allowable values: "main",
"auxiliary". Changed from "master/slave" to "main/auxiliary" in v7.0.0 |
v1.5.0- | ||||||||
ext_trigger_out_enable | bool | (none) | When 'true', top of frame pulses will be generated on a camera-specific pin.
Note that activating this feature may cause damage to the camera if the pin is also driven by an external device. See pin_modes for new method of enabling top of frame output |
v1.5.20-v5.1.12 | ||||||||
ext_trigger_out_pulse_high | bool | (none) | When 'true', top of frame pulses will be generated by resting low, with the rising edge of the pulse indicating the top of frame of a capture. Otherwise, the top of frame pulse will be generated by resting high, with the falling edge of the pulse indicating the top of frame of a capture. | v1.5.20- | ||||||||
agc_minimum_mean | double | (none) | Sets the minimum normalized mean value for each image during Automatic Gain Control (AGC).
Valid values are from 0.0 to 1.0, inclusive. Changed from volatile to persistent in v4.2.2 |
v4.1.0- | ||||||||
audio_enable | bool | (none) | When 'true', the camera is allowed to produce sounds. Note that not all camera models have a method of producing sound, in which case this field is not a functional parameter. | v5.0.0- | ||||||||
audio_select_bitfield | unsigned int | (none) | Bitfield that masks individual audio features. Setting a bit to 0 will disable the individual associated audio feature.
v5.0.0- | ||||||||
pin_modes | object | (none) | Sets the mode of configurable pins on the camera. The object should contain integer-named fields, with integer values
matching the desired function enumeration.
Note that setting a pin as an output may cause damage to the camera if the pin is also driven by an external device. See /pin_mux for details on the enumeration and pins. |
v6.0.0- | ||||||||
injected_gps_delay | double | (none) | Sets the fixed expected delay in seconds between the timestamp contained in the GPS source (whether that be from a directly
connected GPS, DLS, or injected via one of the APIs), and the time the message is received.
Also see /timesources. |
v6.0.0- |
Example JSON Data for POST: Providing the following JSON object as the body of a POST to /config will update the 'streaming_enable', 'timer_period', and 'pin_mode' options, while leaving all other options unchanged.
{ "streaming_enable" : false, "timer_period" : 1.0, "pin_modes" : { "0" : 0 } }
Pin Configuration Options [/pin_mux]
Versions: v6.0.0-
URL: /pin_mux
Supported Verbs: GET
This read-only object returns information regarding configurable pins and their available functions.
See pin_modes
in the /config route for details on how to use these values
Property | Type | Description |
functions | object | Each element of the functions object is named numerically, and is a FunctionEnumeration Object. See details below. |
pins | array of PinEnumeration Objects | Describes the pin for each index. See details on the PinEnumeration object below. |
FunctionEnumeration Object Details
Property | Type | Description |
id | int | The integer enumeration that this function is represented by. |
name | string | A human-readable string describing the function performed when this enumeration is selected. |
PinEnumeration Object Details
Property | Type | Description |
name | string | A human readable string indicating what physical pin is configured by this index. |
opts | array of integers | Lists which functions the pin is capable of performing. Uses the same enumeration as the FunctionEnumeration id field. |
Example GET Response:
{ "functions" : { "0" : { "id" : 0, "name" : "Disabled" }, "1" : { "id" : 1, "name" : "PPS Input" }, "128" : { "id" : 128, "name" : "PPS Output" }, "129" : { "id" : 129, "name" : "Top of Frame Output" }, "2" : { "id" : 2, "name" : "External Trigger Input" } }, "pins" : [ { "name" : "Pwr/Trg Pin 1", "opts" : [0,1,2,128,129] }, { "name" : "GPS Pin 4", "opts" : [0,1,2,128,129] }, { "name" : "GPS Pin 5", "opts" : [0,1,2,128,129] } ] }
Status [/status]
Versions: v1.3.2-
URL: /status
Supported Verbs: GET
This read-only object returns the current camera status information.
Property | Type | Description | Versions |
sd_gb_free | float | The amount of free space on the SD card (GB) | v1.3.2- |
sd_gb_total | float | The total amount of storage on the SD card (GB) | v1.3.2- |
sd_gb_type | string | The filesystem type of the SD card. One of 'FAT32', 'exFat', or 'Unknown' | v7.0.0- |
sd_warn | bool | When true, indicates the low SD space warning threshold is met or using unrecommended SD filesystem type | v1.3.2- |
sd_status | string | Status of the SD card, one of 'Ok', 'NotPresent', or 'Full' | v1.3.2- |
bus_volts | float | The measured supply voltage | v1.3.2- |
gps_used_sats | int | The number of satellites used by GPS fix | v1.3.2- |
gps_vis_sats | int | The number of visible GPS satellites | v1.3.2- |
gps_warn | bool | True when the GPS receiver reports interference detected | v1.3.2- |
gps_lat | float | The current latitude (radians) | v1.3.2- |
gps_lon | float | The current longitude (radians) | v1.3.2- |
gps_type | string | What type of GPS source is being used by the camera. One of 'No GPS', 'Injected', or 'Ublox' | v7.0.0- |
course | float | The direction of travel in NED | v1.3.2- |
alt_agl | float | Altitude above ground level | v1.3.2- |
alt_msl | float | Altitude above mean sea level | v1.3.2- |
p_acc | float | Positional accuracy of GPS fix | v1.3.2- |
utc_time | datetime | Format YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.SSS | v1.3.2- |
vel_2d | float | Horizontal velocity (m/s) | v1.3.2- |
sv_info | array | Array of svinfo objects (see below) | v1.3.2- |
auto_cap_active | bool | True indicates that the camera's automatic capture mode is activated | v1.3.2- |
dls_status | string | The DLS state. One of 'Ok', 'NotPresent', 'Programming', 'Initializing'*, or 'Error'*
* This state was added in v6.0.0 |
v1.5.27- |
gps_time | datetime | Format YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.SSS | v1.5.27- |
utc_time_valid | bool | When 'true', the utc_time provided in this status is believed to be correct | v1.5.27- |
time_source | string | What type of time source is being used by the camera. One of 'GPS', 'PPS', or 'None' | v6.0.0- |
SVINFO Sub-object
Property | Type | Description |
azimuth | float | Satellite azimuth (deg) |
elevation | float | Satellite elevation (deg) |
channel | int | Receiver channel |
cno | int | Satellite carrier-to-noise ratio |
used_flag | bool | Satellite is being used in the position fix |
diff_flag | bool | Satellite is using differential corrections |
orbit_info | bool | Receiver has some orbital infomation about this satellite |
orbit_is_eph | bool | Orbital information is ephemeris data |
sv_healthy | bool | This satellite is healthy and can be used for positioning |
svid | int | Space Vehicle ID |
quality | int | Quality indicator for this satellite |
Example GET response:
{ "alt_agl": 14.798, "alt_msl": 283.55, "auto_cap_active": false, "bus_volts": 4.695, "course": 169.4142636445688, "gps_lat": 36.2709446, "gps_lon": -104.7104612, "gps_time": "2014-11-13T18:34:12.345Z", "gps_used_sats": 5, "gps_vis_sats": 16, "gps_warn": false, "p_acc": 5.820000171661377, "sd_gb_free": 20.0958251953125, "sd_gb_total": 29.70469665527344, "sd_warn": false, "sd_status": "Ok", "sv_info": [ { "azimuth": 0.8203047513961792, "channel": 9, "cno": 41, "diff_flag": false, "elevation": 0.6108652353286743, "orbit_info": true, "orbit_is_eph": true, "quality": 7, "sv_healthy": false, "svid": 5, "used_flag": false }, { "azimuth": 0, "channel": 14, "cno": 15, "diff_flag": false, "elevation": -1.588249564170837, "orbit_info": false, "orbit_is_eph": false, "quality": 3, "sv_healthy": false, "svid": 8, "used_flag": false }, ... ], "time_source": "GPS", "utc_time": "2014-11-13T18:34:0.000Z", "utc_time_valid": true, "vel_2d": 0.08, }
Network Status [/networkstatus]
Versions: v1.5.3-
URL: /networkstatus
Supported Verbs: GET
The network status API provides information about the MicaSense network, including all RedEdge cameras and DLS's. The devices are presented as an array called "network_map".
Property | Type | Description | Version |
bands | array | A list of the center wavelengths of the sensors on the device, in nanometers (nm). | v1.5.3- |
bandwidths | array | A list of the bandwidths of the sensors on the device, in nanometers (nm). | v7.0.0- |
device_type | string | The type of device. Will report as either "Camera", "DLS", or "DLS 2". | v1.5.3- |
gps_source | string | Indicates where the device is receiving GPS information from. Will report as either an empty string, "direct", or "host". | v1.5.3- |
mode | string | Indicates which network mode the device is operating in. | v1.5.3- |
sd_gb_free | float | Space remaining (in GB) on storage device. | v7.0.0- |
sd_gb_total | float | Total size (in GB) of storage device. | v7.0.0- |
sd_status | string | Status of the storage device, one of 'Ok', 'NotPresent', or 'Full' | v7.0.0- |
sd_type | string | The filesystem type of the storage device. One of 'FAT32', 'exFat', or 'Unknown' | v7.0.0- |
sd_warn | bool | When true, indicates the low storage device space warning threshold is met or using unsuppored storage device filesystem type | v7.0.0- |
serial | string | Reports the serial number of the device. | v1.5.3- |
sw_version | string | Reports the software version currently running on the device. | v1.5.3- |
Example Reponse to GET /networkstatus
{ "network_map" : [ { "bands":[475,560,668,840,717], "bandwidths":[20,20,10,40,10], "device_type":"Camera", "gps_source":"", "mode":"main", "sd_gb_free":25.33200073242188, "sd_gb_total":29.70773315429688, "sd_status":"Ok", "sd_type":"FAT32", "sd_warn":false, "serial":"RM02-1839163-SC", "sw_version":"v7.0.0" }, { "bands":[475,560,668,840,717], "bandwidths":[20,20,10,40,10], "device_type":"Camera", "gps_source":"", "mode":"auxiliary", "sd_gb_free":25.63470458984375, "sd_gb_total":29.70469665527344, "sd_status":"Ok", "sd_type":"FAT32", "sd_warn":false, "serial":"RM02-1839202-SC", "sw_version":"v7.0.0" }, { "bands":[450,500,550,570,600,610,650,680,730,760,810,860], "bandwidths":[], "device_type":"DLS 2", "gps_source":"direct", "mode":"auxiliary", "serial":"DA03-1921711-OB", "sw_version":"v1.2.3" } ] }
Time Sources Information [/timesources]
Versions: v6.0.0-
URL: /timesources
Supported Verbs: GET
This read-only object contains information about what time source the camera is using, and provides an estimated delay value between the various time sources and the time used by the camera.
Property | Type | Description |
time_sources | array of TimeSource objects | Contains an unordered array of TimeSource objects |
Property | Type | Description |
active | bool | When 'true', the camera is actively using this time source to estimate time |
delay | double | The estimated delay between the camera's time and the sources' reported time, in seconds.
If no estimate is known, 1.797693134862316e+308 will be returned |
type | string | The type of the time source. Either 'GPS' or 'PPS' |
Example GET response:
{ "time_sources" : [ { "active" : false, "delay" : -0.108506053686142, "type" : "GPS" }, { "active" : true, "delay" : 5.09058661890549e-09, "type" : "PPS" } ] }
Version Information [/version]
Versions: v1.3.2-
URL: /version
Supported Verbs: GET
This read-only object contains the software version and the device serial number.
Property | Type | Description |
sw_version | string | The version of software installed on the camera |
serial | string | The camera serial number |
Example response:
{ "sw_version" : "v1.2.3", "serial" : "1220001" }
File Access [/files/*]
Versions: v1.3.2-
URL: /files/path/on/sd/card
Supported verbs: GET
The file access API provides a method to get the contents of the SD card currently inserted in the camera. GET can return one of three alternatives:
- If the provided path describes a regular file, the file is returned.
- If the provided path describes a directory, a json object is returned that provides a directory listing as an array of descriptors for sub-directories and files at that path.
- If the provided path does not exist, a 404 with JSON error message is returned
Example URLs:
GET /files/
GET /files/000SET/
GET /files/001SET/000/IMG_1234_1.tif
Example Response to GET /files/
{ "files": [] "directories": ["0000SET", "0001SET", "0002SET"] }
Example Response to GET /files/000SET
{ "files": [ { "name": "paramlog.dat", "size": 3219234 } ], "directories": ["000"] }
Example Response to GET /files/000SET/000
{ "files": [ { "name": "IMG_0000_1.tif", "size": 5000000 }, { "name": "IMG_0000_2.tif", "size": 5000000 }, { "name": "IMG_0000_3.tif", "size": 5000000 }, { "name": "IMG_0000_4.tif", "size": 5000000 }, { "name": "IMG_0000_5.tif", "size": 5000000 } ], "directories": [] }
File Deletion [/deletefile/*]
Versions: v1.3.2-
URL: /deletefile/path/on/sd/card
Supported verbs: GET
The delete file API provides a method to delete files on the SD card currently inserted in the camera. GET can return one of three alternatives:
- If the provided path describes a regular file, the file is deleted
- If the provided path describes a directory that is empty, the directory is deleted
- If the provided path does not exist, or the path is a directory that is not empty, a 503 code is returned with a JSON message stating the error
Example URLs:
GET /deletefile/
GET /deletefile/0000SET/000
GET /deletefile/0001SET/000/IMG_1234_1.tif
Example Response to GET /deletefile/0000SET/000/IMG_0000_1.tif
{ "message" : "Deleted file: 0000SET/000/IMG_0000_1.tif" }
Example Response to GET /deletefile/0000SET/000
{ "message" : "Deleted directory: 0000SET/000" }
Example Response to GET /deletefile/non/existant/path/file.txt
{ "message": "Could not delete file: non/existant/path/file.txt" }
Example Response to GET /deletefile/0000SET
{ "message": "Directory 0000SET is not empty" }
Wifi Configuration [/wifi]
Versions: v1.3.2-
URL: /wifi
Supported verbs: GET, POST
NOTE: Disabling wifi from the wifi interface may not return a response. WiFi will be re-enabled when the camera is power-cycled
Property | Type | Description |
enable | bool | Set to 'false' to disable wifi for this session |
Example Response:
{ "wifi_enabled" : false }
Reformat SD Card [/reformatsdcard]
Versions: v1.5.9-
URL: /reformatsdcard
Supported verbs: POST
This route allows you to completely erase everything on the SD card at once. All images will be deleted, along with any other files you may have on your SD card at the time of the command.
You cannot undo the card wipe performed by this command.
Property | Type | Description |
erase_all_data | bool | Set to 'true' to reformat the SD card |
Example Response to POST {"erase_all_data":true}
{ "message": "Sucessfully reformatted", "reformat_status": "success" }
Camera Information [/camera_info]
Versions: v1.3.2-
URL: /camera_info
Supported verbs: GET
This endpoint provides information physical information about the camera, including nominal lens parameters and information about the nominal filters installed for each band.
Example URL:
GET /camera_info
Example Response to GET /camera_info
{ "1" : { "type" : "bandpass", "center_nm": 498.2, "bandwidth_nm": 12, "focal_lenth_px" : 1100.0, "image_width": 1280, "image_height": 960 }, "2" : { "type" : "bandpass", "center_nm": 620.3, "bandwidth_nm": 10, "focal_length_px": 1100.0, "image_width": 1280, "image_height": 960 }, ... }
Distortion Calibration [/calibration/distortion]
Versions: v1.3.2-
URL: /calibration/distortion
Supported verbs: GET
Used to retrieve the lens distortion calibration parameters for all five cameras. See the "RedEdge File Format ICD" document for more information regarding the lens calibration parameters.
Property | Type | Description |
k | array | Array of three lens radial coefficients [k1, k2, k3] |
p | array | Array of two tangential coefficients [p1,p2] |
fx | float | Effective lens focal length in the x direction in pixels |
fy | float | Effective lens focal length in the y direction in pixels |
cx | float | Lens center x position in pixels |
cy | float | Lens center y position in pixels |
Example data
{ "1": { 'k' : [1.23e-1, 4.56e-2, 6.78e-3], 'p' : [1.23e-1, 4.56e-2], 'fx' : 1100.2, 'fy' : 1101.7, 'cx' : 623.76, 'cy' : 473.54 }, "2": { 'k' : [1.23e-1, 4.56e-2, 6.78e-3], 'p' : [1.23e-1, 4.56e-2], 'fx' : 1100.2, 'fy' : 1101.7, 'cx' : 623.76, 'cy' : 473.54 }, "3": { ... }, "4": { ... }, "5": { ... } }
Vignette Calibration [/calibration/vignette]
Versions: v1.3.2-
URL: /calibration/vignette
Supported verbs: GET
Used to retrieve the lens vignette calibration parameters. One set of parameters is returned for each of the five cameras.
Property | Type | Description |
k | array | Array of vignette calibration coefficients [k0,k1,k2,k3,k4,k5] |
cx | float | Vignette center x position in pixels |
cy | float | Vignette center y position in pixels |
Example URLs:
GET /calibration/vignette
Example data
{ "1" : { 'k': [1.2e-1, 2.1e-2, 5.1e-2, 5.1e-3, 5.1e-4, 5.1e-5], 'cx': 623.19, 'cy': 495.24 }, "2" : { 'k': [1.2e-1, 2.1e-2, 5.1e-2, 5.1e-3, 5.1e-4, 5.1e-5], 'cx': 621.21, 'cy': 477.90 }, "3": { ... }, "4": { ... }, "5": { ... } }
Rig Relatives Calibration [/calibration/rig_relatives]
Versions: v4.1.0-
URL: /calibration/rig_relatives
Supported verbs: GET
Used to retrieve the relative rotations between lenses. Calibration is returned as an array for each band, where the first element of the array is the X-rotation, the second is the Y-rotation, and the third is the Z-rotation, all in radians. Rotations should be applied to the image first as Z, then Y, then X. In matrix form, it should look like v_cal = Rx*Ry*Rz*v . When you rotate all images from a capture by their respective rotation values, they should all align, assuming the target is effectively at infinity. See our Image Processing Tutorial for more details on using these values.
Example URLs:
GET /calibration/rig_relatives
Example data
{ "1" : [-0.0025194,-0.00756218,-0.000187806], "2" : [0,0,0], "3" : [-0.00126232,0.00104639,-0.00439204], "4" : [-0.0068887,-0.00415932,0.000341805], "5" : [-0.00455459,-0.00342963,-0.002376] }
Prepare for Power Down [/powerdownready]
Versions: v7.0.0-
URL: /powerdownready
Supported verbs: GET, POST
This route reports the readiness of the camera for power down. It can also be used to request the camera to prepare for power down.
NOTE: This route will not actually power down the camera. It places the camera in a "safe" state for power down, meaning that the storage media
is unmounted after ensuring that any pending data has been written out. This prevents the possiblility of the storage media becoming corrupted. This is
an alternative to holding the button of the camera down for five seconds.
Property | Type | Description |
ready_for_power_down | bool | When reporting 'true', camera is ready to be powered down |
power_down | bool | When requested 'true', camera will prepare to power down |
Example URL:
GET /powerdownready
Example Response:
{ "ready_for_power_down" : false }
Example POST data to request power down preparation
{ "power_down" : true }
Thermal NUC [/thermal_nuc]
Versions: v7.0.0-
URL: /thermal_nuc
Supported verbs: GET, POST
This route returns information regarding temperature change in Kelvin and number of seconds since the last non-uniform calibration (NUC)
of the thermal imager.
NOTE: This route only works with cameras that have a thermal imager, such as the Altum.
If the property "nuc_now" is present in the POST request and set to true then this route commands the camera to NUC the thermal imager. If a NUC is
commanded then auto-NUCing will be disabled. Auto-NUCing cannot be re-enabled unless the camera is rebooted, so regular commands must be sent to this route
in order to maintain high quality thermal data. We have found that NUCing once every five minutes or a change of 2 Kelvin maintains good thermal image quality.
Property | Type | Description |
nuc_now | bool | Post true to NUC |
elapsed_seconds_since_nuc | int | Number of seconds since last nuc |
delta_deg_K_since_nuc | float | Change in temperature (measured in K) since the last nuc |
message | string | Notification in case of NUC failure or NUC already in progress |
Example URL:
GET /thermal_nuc
Example Response:
{ "delta_deg_K_since_nuc":301.5400085449219, "elapsed_seconds_since_nuc":249.52 }
Example POST data for NUC request
{ "nuc_now" : true }
Deprecated or Removed Routes
KML Captures [/captures.kml] - REMOVED
Versions: v1.3.2-v1.5.9
URL: /captures.kml
Supported verbs: GET
Use the /capture.kmz route instead
/captures.kml will return a kmz file with the contents of all captures currently on the SD card. This is especially useful when flying multiple flights across one or more areas to ensure continuous coverage across those areas.
Example KML File
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <kml xmlns=""> <Document> <Folder> <name>"0000SET"</name> <Placemark> <name>710</name> <Point> <coordinates>-110.7228486,32.902748314,37.2748314</coordinates> </Point> </Placemark> <Placemark> <name>711</name> <Point> <coordinates>-110.72628388,32.902745594,37.2745594</coordinates> </Point> </Placemark> </Folder> </Document> </kml>