This tutorial assumes you have gone through the basic setup and builds on the basic radiance, irradiance, and reflectance concepts and code covered in the first tutorial.
In this tutorial, we will cover usage of the MicaSense python library to access images and groups of images. Most of the processing details are hidden away in the library, but the library code is open and available in the git repository.
In the first tutorial, we introduced micasense.utils
which provided some helper functions for single image manipulation, and micasense.plotutils
which provided some plotting helpers.
For this second tutorial, we are going to introduce the usage of the included micasense libraries for opening, converting, and displaying images. This will allow us to discuss and visualize results at a high level, while the underlying source code is available for those interested in the implementation details. In some cases, the libraries themselves may be enough to implement a custom workflow without the need to re-implement or translate the code to another system or language.
The library code provides some basic classes to manage image data. At the highest level is the ImageSet
, which is able to load a list of files or recursively search a whole directory into data structures which are easy to access and manipulate. ImageSet
s are made up of Capture
s, which hold the set of (usually 5) images as they are simultaneously gathered by the RedEdge camera. Within Capture
s are Image
s, which hold a single image file and allow easy access to the image metadata. The Image
class also provides the ability to extract metadata from individual images and to convert individual images in similar ways to those described in the first tutorial.
For the rest of this article, we will look at each of the objects available starting with the single Image
object, and work our way up to the whole ImageSet
. Each section in this article is standalone, and can be copied into another workbook or edited in place to explore more of the functions associated with that object.
An image is the lowest level object. It represents the data in a single tiff file as taken by the camera. Image
objects expose a set of data retrieval methods which provide access to raw, radiance, and reflectance corrected images, and to undistort any of those images. Note that when retrieving image data from an Image
object, the data is stored internally in the object, increasing the object's memory footprint. If operating on a large number of images, it may be necessary to release this data memory after each image is processed to limit the program memory footprint. This can be done by calling the Image.clear_image_data()
import os
import micasense.image as image
%matplotlib inline
image_path = os.path.join('.','data','0000SET','000','IMG_0000_1.tif')
img = image.Image(image_path)
Metadata¶Metadata for each image is available in the Image.meta
parameter. This object is a micasense.Metadata
object and can be accessed directly for image specific metadata extraction. Below, we print the same metadata values as we did in Tutorial #1, but using direct access to the Metadata
object parameters.
A notebook for experimenting with the Image
class can be found here.
print('{0} {1} firmware version: {2}'.format(img.meta.camera_make(),
print('Exposure Time: {0} seconds'.format(img.meta.exposure()))
print('Imager Gain: {0}'.format(img.meta.gain()))
print('Size: {0}x{1} pixels'.format(img.meta.image_size()[0],
print('Band Name: {0}'.format(img.meta.band_name()))
print('Center Wavelength: {0} nm'.format(img.meta.center_wavelength()))
print('Bandwidth: {0} nm'.format(img.meta.bandwidth()))
print('Capture ID: {0}'.format(img.meta.capture_id()))
print('Flight ID: {0}'.format(img.meta.flight_id()))
The Capture
class is a container for Image
s which allows access to metadata common to the group of images. The internal Image
objects are accessible via the capture.images
properties, and images in this list are kept sorted by the band
property. Data which is different for each image can be accessed through composite methods, such as the capture.dls_irradiance()
method, which returns a list of irradiances in band order.
import os, glob
import micasense.capture as capture
images_path = os.path.join('.','data','0000SET','000')
image_names = glob.glob(os.path.join(images_path,'IMG_0000_*.tif'))
cap = capture.Capture.from_filelist(image_names)
metadata¶Metadata which is common to all captures can be accessed via methods on the Capture
object. Metadata which varies between the images of the capture, such as DLS information, is available as lists accessed from the capture object.
Below we plot the raw and tilt compensated DLS irradiance by center wavelength and by band name.
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(14,6))
plt.scatter(cap.center_wavelengths(), cap.dls_irradiance())
plt.ylabel('Irradiance $(W/m^2/nm)$')
plt.xlabel('Center Wavelength (nm)')
plt.scatter(cap.band_names(), [img.meta.exposure() for img in cap.images])
plt.xlabel('Band Names')
plt.ylabel('Exposure Time (s)')
A notebook for experimenting with the Capture
class can be found here.
The Panel
class is a helper class which can automatically extract panel information from MicaSense calibrated reflectance panels by finding the QR code within an image and using the QR Code location and orientation information to find the lambertian panel area. The class then allows extraction of statistics from the panel area such as mean raw values, mean radiance, standard deviation, and the number of saturated pixels in the panel region. The panel object can be included standalone, or used within the context of a Capture
import os, glob
import micasense.image as image
import micasense.panel as panel
image_path = os.path.join('.','data','0000SET','000','IMG_0000_1.tif')
img = image.Image(image_path)
# panelCorners - if we dont have zbar installed to scan the QR codes, detect panel manually and
panelCorners = [[[809,613],[648,615],[646,454],[808,452]],
pnl = panel.Panel(img,panelCorners = panelCorners[0])
print("Panel found: {}".format(pnl.panel_detected()))
print("Panel serial: {}".format(pnl.serial))
print("QR Code Corners:\n{}".format(pnl.qr_corners()))
mean, std, count, saturated_count = pnl.raw()
print("Panel mean raw pixel value: {}".format(mean))
print("Panel raw pixel standard deviation: {}".format(std))
print("Panel region pixel count: {}".format(count))
print("Panel region saturated pixel count: {}".format(count))
A notebook for experimenting with the Panel
class can be found here
An ImageSet
contains a group of Capture
s. The captures can be loaded from image object, from a list of files, or by recursively searching a directory for images.
Loading an ImageSet
can be a time consuming process. It uses python multithreading under the hood to maximize cpu usage on multi-core machines.
from ipywidgets import FloatProgress
from IPython.display import display
f = FloatProgress(min=0, max=1)
def update_f(val):
import micasense.imageset as imageset
import os
images_dir = os.path.join('.','data','0000SET')
imgset = imageset.ImageSet.from_directory(images_dir, progress_callback=update_f)
for cap in imgset.captures:
print ("Opened Capture {} with bands {}".format(cap.uuid,[str(band) for band in cap.band_names()]))
A large group of images captured over a central California orchard are available for download here.
With this set extracted to a working folder, the extended ImageSet example notebook provides more usages of ImageSet data.
In this tutorial, we have introduced the MicaSense library and provided some examples of opening Images, Captures, and ImageSets, as well as detecting and extracting panel information from images.
The next tutorial covers basic usage of DLS information, and is available here
Copyright (c) 2017-2019 MicaSense, Inc. For licensing information see the project git repository